Sermon Videos, Audios, and More

Computer Issues

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 2:57 pm November 23, 2010

Just an quick update to let you know that sermons from the last few weeks will be coming. We have been having some issues with the computer that renders our video and audio files. We hope to have this issue resolved in the near future and have these posted to our website. Have a terrific day, all day, every day with God’s help.

What Should We Do? (Video)

Filed under: Uncategorized,Videos — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:40 am October 25, 2009

What would it take for people who profess an allegiance to God through Jesus Christ to actually follow through and be faithful?

(Click here for more…)

What Should We Do? (Audio)

Filed under: Audios,Uncategorized — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:15 am


(Click here for more…)

What Our Future May Look Like (Audio)

Filed under: Audios,Uncategorized — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:23 am October 4, 2009

This message was not planned. It is an impromptu look at where our vision and mission may take the Shelburne Grace Church of the Nazarene in the future. There is no video for this message as there was some technical problems with the video recording.

Download this MP3 – (Right Click)