Hiding in Plain Sight
Thoughts on how the Advent Candles picture hope, love, joy and peace.
Pastor Maxine McLellan
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Thoughts on how the Advent Candles picture hope, love, joy and peace.
Pastor Maxine McLellan
(Click here for more…)
Chose to live a life of joy, in Christ.
Chose to live a life of joy, in Christ.
God’s motivation for sending His Son was to bring reconciliation to a broken relationship between Himself and us and He did this out of love.
God’s motivation for sending His Son was to bring reconciliation to a broken relationship between Himself and us and He did this out of love.
Immanuel has come, God is with us AND He is the hope of the world.
Immanuel has come, God is with us AND He is the hope of the world.
Those who are wise seek, serve and worship Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. (Please note: The audio and video are out of sync on this sermon)
During the Christmas season the communication of peace and good will is seen on Christmas cards, expressed in song and words, and demonstrated at times in actions. Jesus, the One whose birth we celebrate is referred to as the “Prince of Peace”. World peace is often mentioned when people are asked what would they wish for if they could have anything they wanted. What do you picture when you think of peace? Is it a tranquil setting, or an absence of strife?