Who do you say Jesus is?
A question to begin a new year that demands an answer.
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A question to begin a new year that demands an answer.
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True peace is not found in the absence of stress, conflict, or difficulties in life. It is the found in the presence of God who has promised to be with us no matter what happens.
The ascension of Jesus was an absolute necessity in God’s plan to make us fully committed followers of Jesus and His Kingdom.
We believe Jesus rose from the dead and because He lives we can also.
Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem was not only a time when praise was expressed, but was a choice that lead to a cross.
Jesus not only has the power to change you life, He has the power to change the way you look at life.
When the Word (God) became flesh in Jesus Christ that was the complete, sufficient, once for all revelation of God in His glory, in His grace, and in truth for all of humanity for all time.