Sermon Videos, Audios, and More

Choices, Choices

Filed under: Articles,Path To Revival — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:11 am May 15, 2011

There was no video recording of the May 15, 2011 service. Below is a newspaper article that I wrote using material from the message on this day.

I had the opportunity to listen recently to a recording that Earl Nightingale made over 30 years ago where he was speaking about “The Strangest Secret”. While the principles he spoke about were not new to me, I realized I had not acted upon many of them with any great consistency over the years. Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? It would have been easy to come up with a variety of excuses as to why I never followed through and acted upon what I should have, but the bottom line is I had not been as teachable as I should have been in these areas. I was in fact 100% responsible for the choices I made and I will continue to be 100% responsible for the choices I will make in the future.


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Responsibility For Knowing (Article)

Filed under: Articles,Know What You Believe — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:50 am July 25, 2010

The article below was used as a “thoughtful story” in the service on July 25 at the Shelburne Grace Church of the Nazarene.

I would like you to think for a moment about, how do you know what you know?  Do you know what you know, because you took some form of specific steps to know it, which means, you went through a process, whereby, as a result of repetitious review you were able to grasp the concepts and ideas, and as a result came to know what you know?

Perhaps, you came to know what you know, through the careful watching of someone who did know, and do what they knew, and as a consequence you were able to come to know it as well. Or maybe, if you really concentrate, you might conclude, you know what you know because you know, and you really do not remember how, you know.  Is that something you can identify with?

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Father’s Day 2010 Update

Filed under: Articles,Videos — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:30 am June 20, 2010

There was no message for Father’s Day 2010 with the serious illness and death of Pastor Bob’s, Dad this week.  Thank you for the prayer support and expressions of sympathy during this time.

What Is Peace (Article)

Filed under: Articles,Christmas — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:31 am December 15, 2009

During the Christmas season the communication of peace and good will is seen on Christmas cards, expressed in song and words, and demonstrated at times in actions.  Jesus, the One whose birth we celebrate is referred to as the “Prince of Peace”. World peace is often mentioned when people are asked what would they wish for if they could have anything they wanted. What do you picture when you think of peace?  Is it a tranquil setting, or an absence of strife?

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Connect to Jesus, the Light of the World

Filed under: Articles,Christmas — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:56 am November 19, 2009

I have noticed that many people have taken advantage of the nice weather to put up their Christmas lights.  As nice as some of these lights look, I was reminded a couple of weeks ago when the power went out, their beauty depends entirely upon their ability to connect to a power source.  Without the power source there is no light to be shared with our world.

What is true for those Christmas lights is also true for each one of us spiritually.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world.”  He also said two verses later, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  

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The Lord’s Prayer – Lesson Three

Filed under: Articles,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:02 am October 2, 2009

The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

1. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name”
-If God is my Heavenly Father, what are my responsibilities in the family and how does this affect my commitment to Him as Father and to His Kingdom?

2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
-What would my life, my family, my church, my neighbourhood, my community, my province/state, my country be like if God answered this prayer? How can I be used by God to make His Kingdom come where He has placed me? (Click here for more…)

… Is Patient And Kind

Filed under: Articles,Love - The Continuing Journey — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:41 am September 24, 2009

Brides and grooms exchange vows while expressing its eternal value.  Automobile enthusiasts often have a brand loyalty that mimics it.  Their attention to care and upkeep of their vehicle can be passionate.  Devotion to pets is often an expression of its deep and profound impact on lives. Youth can fall in and out of it with an amazing rapidity.  Poets have extolled its virtues and songwriters have exposed both the heights of its ecstasy and the depths of its despair. A song credited to Lennon/McCartney declared it was all we needed. While expression of it is forthcoming in the most unselfish of ways, often it is displayed in self-centred and self-seeking mannerisms.  By now you know I am writing about, “LOVE”.

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Welcome to our media website

Filed under: Articles — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 8:48 pm September 2, 2009 is officially being launched today.  We have been working very hard to get a number of the sermons uploaded to our new website, along with a few articles.  This endeavour has involved  the learning curve of moving to both new computer hardware and software.  We will be working over the next few months to add archive audio files from our previous sermon theme, “ Know What You Believe and Why You Believe It.”  This theme in fact took about fifteen months to complete.  It will take some time to get the appropriate files converted and uploaded, but please check the sidebar on the left to watch for their placement.  They will be filed at the end of the posts so either go to the end or do a search by topic.  I trust that you will find these resources helpful.

We are in the process of upgrading our video recording microphones and hope to  see an improvement in the audio quality on our site.  Our desire is to have the new equipment installed and operational in a few weeks, so please be patient. By the way, you can learn more about patience by checking out the August 30 audio or video post.

Please feel free to post comments on our site.  You can also send your prayer requests and suggestions to us from the Shelburne Grace Church of the Nazarene front page.

We invite you to personally come to the Shelburne Grace Church and become part of our church family.  If that is not possible then please become part of our extended church family through the means of the internet.

May the Lord richly bless you.

The Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 2

Filed under: Articles,Prayer,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:20 am August 24, 2009

The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

1. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name”
• How does God become my Heavenly Father?
• If God is my Heavenly Father how do I relate to Him and how does my relationship with Him effect my relationship with others?

2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
• What would it take in my life to have it match God’s will as it is in heaven?
• What is my role in God’s Kingdom?  What is the role of the Church supposed to be in His Kingdom? How am I to be involved individually and as part of the Church?

3. “Give us this day our daily bread”
• What are the needs in your life, your family, throughout the jurisdiction of the your church, your local community and around the world?
• Pray for these needs as the Lord brings them to mind, but DO NOT GET BOGGED DOWN in this section as part of this exercise.  You can pray for these specific needs at other times!!
• Talk to YOUR Heavenly Father about your faith in relation to His response to the needs you share with Him. 

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The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

Filed under: Articles,Prayer,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 9:30 am July 14, 2009

When the disciples of Jesus saw Him praying, they asked, Lord, “teach us to pray”. Jesus responded to their request with what we have now labelled as the “Lord’s Prayer”. The problem we are faced with today, is that this prayer has become more of a recitation than an actual prayer. We can rhyme it off from memory, but we have very little idea about what we are really praying for or what Jesus was really instructing His disciples about when it comes to actual prayer.  I believe if we are to be the kind of follower of Jesus that He wants us to be, we need to take a much closer and more in-depth look at what He was really saying to us in what is labelled as the “Lord’s Prayer”.

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