Sermon Videos, Audios, and More

Revival Should Not Be Our End Goal, But it is a Significant Step in the Process to a Greater End and Goal (Audio)

This is a review from previous sermons connecting the dots showing how the Law of Success training interconnects with Scripture and the need for revival and beyond.

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Revival Should Not Be Our End Goal, But it is a Significant Step in the Process to a Greater End and Goal (Video)

This is a review from previous sermons connecting the dots showing how the Law of Success training interconnects with Scripture and the need for revival and beyond.

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Active vs. Passive Approach To Life (Audio)

Filed under: Audios,Know What You Believe,Path To Revival,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , , , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:30 am August 5, 2012


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What Does It Mean To Pray? (Video)

Filed under: Know What You Believe,The Lord's Prayer,Videos — Tags: , , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 11:30 am May 2, 2010

This is an important fundamental principle we need to understand from The Lord’s Prayer.

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What Does It Mean To Pray? (Audio)

Filed under: Audios,Know What You Believe,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:30 am


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The Lord’s Prayer – Lesson Three

Filed under: Articles,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:02 am October 2, 2009

The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

1. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name”
-If God is my Heavenly Father, what are my responsibilities in the family and how does this affect my commitment to Him as Father and to His Kingdom?

2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
-What would my life, my family, my church, my neighbourhood, my community, my province/state, my country be like if God answered this prayer? How can I be used by God to make His Kingdom come where He has placed me? (Click here for more…)

The Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 2

Filed under: Articles,Prayer,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 10:20 am August 24, 2009

The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

1. “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name”
• How does God become my Heavenly Father?
• If God is my Heavenly Father how do I relate to Him and how does my relationship with Him effect my relationship with others?

2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
• What would it take in my life to have it match God’s will as it is in heaven?
• What is my role in God’s Kingdom?  What is the role of the Church supposed to be in His Kingdom? How am I to be involved individually and as part of the Church?

3. “Give us this day our daily bread”
• What are the needs in your life, your family, throughout the jurisdiction of the your church, your local community and around the world?
• Pray for these needs as the Lord brings them to mind, but DO NOT GET BOGGED DOWN in this section as part of this exercise.  You can pray for these specific needs at other times!!
• Talk to YOUR Heavenly Father about your faith in relation to His response to the needs you share with Him. 

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The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

Filed under: Articles,Prayer,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 9:30 am July 14, 2009

When the disciples of Jesus saw Him praying, they asked, Lord, “teach us to pray”. Jesus responded to their request with what we have now labelled as the “Lord’s Prayer”. The problem we are faced with today, is that this prayer has become more of a recitation than an actual prayer. We can rhyme it off from memory, but we have very little idea about what we are really praying for or what Jesus was really instructing His disciples about when it comes to actual prayer.  I believe if we are to be the kind of follower of Jesus that He wants us to be, we need to take a much closer and more in-depth look at what He was really saying to us in what is labelled as the “Lord’s Prayer”.

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The Lord’s Prayer – Lesson 1

Filed under: Articles,Prayer,The Lord's Prayer — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 9:47 am July 13, 2009

The Lord’s Prayer, Do You Understand What You Are Praying For?

1.“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your Name”
• What would it mean to you if you really believed that the Sovereign God of the universe really was YOUR Heavenly Father?  If God is YOUR Heavenly Father, talk to Him about you feel about this relationship. Find out how He wants to relate to and be part of your life.  If this relationship was what it ought to be, then talk to Him about how that would affect your relationship to others.
• As we acknowledge His holiness in this prayer we need to remember that we are called to be holy as He is holy (1Peter 1:15-16).  How should this effect what we do, what we say and the attitudes we express in our daily lives?

2. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
• What would your life look like if God asked you to answer that prayer?
• Are you seeking to do God’s will in every area of your life?  If not, why not? If not, when will you?
• In light of the fact that you are making these excuses why you cannot do His will now, do you really think they sound plausible to your Heavenly Father?  What are you going to do about doing His will? 

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The Lord’s Prayer (video)

Filed under: Prayer,The Lord's Prayer,Videos — Tags: , — Pastor Bob McLellan @ 2:51 pm July 12, 2009

The problem we are faced with today, is that this prayer has become more of a recitation than an actual prayer. We can rhyme it off from memory, but we have very little idea about what we are really praying for or what Jesus was really instructing His disciples about when it comes to actual prayer. I believe if we are to be the kind of follower of Jesus that He wants us to be, we need to take a much closer and more in-depth look at what He was really saying to us in what is labelled as the “Lord’s Prayer”. (Click here for more…)

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